YouNow Pearls

We'd like to introduce users to Pearls. What are pearls you might ask? Don't worry we will not only answer what Pearls are but also how they work. 


What are Pearls?

Pearls are a new form of in-app currency on YouNow. Similar to gold bars, but different in a few ways too. Let us explain. 


How do you get Pearls? 

We will give you Pearls every day that you log in to YouNow, and Pearls will replace the free gold bars you may have gotten previously for logging in. Here’s how many Pearls you can get for logging in each day:

On your first day, you will get 1 pearl times your daily multiplier which increases with your level. The second day you will get 2 pearls times your daily multiplier, this continues to increase until your 7th day. Where you get 7 pearls times your daily multiplier. 




What else can you do with Pearls? 

Right now the Pearl tip jar lets you gift likes to your favorite broadcaster. You won’t need to spend money on Gold Bars, but you can still help your favorite broadcasters out, since Pearls will help our Partners advance in the Creator Program.

Over the next few months, we have some pretty exciting stuff that we’re planning on doing with Pearls… but we don’t want to spoil the surprise.



What Happens to My Daily Login and Bonus Bars?

We are replacing the daily login bars with pearls! This change will allow us to add a lot of new functionality to YouNow that has been requested by the community over the years but that was impossible to implement with a currency that was directly tied to earnings. Producers can still earn their bonus bars by leveling up and hitting their statuses.