¿Qué es la insignia junto a mi nombre?


Tan pronto como comience a transmitir, puede comenzar a ganar insignias de locutor junto a su foto de perfil. Hay 6 insignias diferentes, cada una de las cuales conmemora un logro nuevo y más desafiante en la plataforma. Consulte los requisitos sobre cómo obtener cada insignia.




  • Broadcast for the first time




1 Star Camera

  • Have at least 10 fans
  • Broadcast and reach a peak of 5 concurrent viewers
  • Receive 200 likes
  • Reach level 5




2 Star Camera

  • Have at least 50 fans
  • Broadcast and reach a peak of 10 concurrent viewers
  • Receive 2,000 likes
  • Reach level 10




3 Star Camera

  • Have at least 500 fans
  • Broadcast and reach a peak of 20 concurrent viewers
  • Receive 10,000 likes
  • Reach level 20

Once you reach the 3 Star Camera, you get 2 Props!



4 Star Camera

  • Have at least 1,000 fans
  • Broadcast and reach a peak of 40 concurrent viewers
  • Receive 1,200,000 likes
  • Reach level 40

Once you reach the 4 Star Camera, you get 20 Props! 



5 Star Camera

  • Have at least 2,500 fans
  • Broadcast and reach a peak of 60 concurrent viewers
  • Receive 2,500,000 likes
  • Reach level 60

Once you reach the 5 Star Camera, you get 200 Props!