How do I become a YouNow Partner?


PLEASE NOTE: We are updating the Partner Sprint process starting with the February 2024 Sprint.

Earning Partnership is a two-step process. First, broadcasters must qualify for the Partnership Sprint, and then they must earn a top spot in the Partner Sprint to fill an available slot in their Community.

Available Slots per Month by Community:

English 5
Spanish 5
Mena 4
Turkish 2
Germany 1

Step One: Qualify for the YouNow Partnership Sprint

Broadcasters must achieve the following in order to be eligible for the Sprint: 

  • Minimum of 10 hours broadcasted during the last month
  • Minimum of 1 Million likes earned last month
  •  No major Community Rule violations. Please read the YouNow community guidelines

For example, for February’s sprint, we will be considering likes and hours data from January 1 - 31. Please note that Trust and Safety will consider a broader history. 

In order to qualify for your community’s sprint, your content language must be set to the corresponding language, NOT worldwide. You can adjust your content language by going to: 

Step Two: the Sprint 

At the beginning of every month, we will publish a list containing the names of all users who qualified for that month's Sprint as well as a specific hashtag.These users will compete in a 3-day private event with the specified hashtag. The top participants at the end of the event will fill their community’s Partnership slots.

Sprinters who secure a spot in their community must also have earned a minimum of 1 million likes. 

PLEASE NOTE: Users who are not qualified for the sprint and who are not on the sprint list will not be able to use the specific hashtag. These broadcasters are not eligible to earn Partnership, even if they place in a top spot of the leaderboard. 

Broadcasters who do not earn Partnership in the Sprint may be eligible to participate in future sprints, so long as they continue to hit the requirements outlined in Step One.   

Still have questions? Write to us at